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Word of the Lord for Atlanta, GA

On the morning of Friday March 31st, while in a time of prayer, the Lord began to speak to me about the significance of the fire that happened on I-85 in Atlanta the day before. I was not praying about the fire at the time, but about something else completely, so when I began to get the download out of the blue, I was a bit shocked. As this word is quite extensive and long, I felt led to break it into 2 parts, so it would be easier to receive. I will be releasing the other part within the next several days. I want to state that when the Lord began speaking this word, I had a knowing that He was not only referencing the city limits of Atlanta, but the entire Metro Atlanta region. To be entirely honest, this has been one of the hardest words that I have had to release, because of the implications and impact of what the Lord is saying, and I have struggled with it for several days. I have prayed earnestly about the intensity of the word, as well as submitting what I have received to my Apostolic authority, and I have understood that it is something that must be released. It is a word of warning, and even perhaps some rebuke, but it is out of His mercy that He is giving it. He is wanting to spare this city from a very difficult season ahead. I sensed strongly that this is not a word for all, but specifically for the Ekklesia, and those in authority in the body of Christ in Atlanta & the Metro area. Although it may be a hard word for many to hear, I ask that you prayerfully seek the Lord as to how He would have you to receive it.    Humbly ~ Amanda Shiflett ✴WORD OF THE LORD FOR ATLANTA✴ The Lord would say, “The fire that happened in Atlanta which caused a major interstate bridge to collapse, is a prophetic sign to you. There are things that have not been dealt with, that have been hidden underneath, which MUST be dealt with. If these things are not dealt with, there will be a fire, there will be a purging exposing fire, and those things that have been hidden underneath will be exposed, but there will be much damage and much destruction in the exposing. There are things that must be dealt with in the City of Atlanta, things that have been hidden…iniquities, strongholds, that have taken root in this city, and if these things are not dealt with, the time is coming that My fire will purge and expose these things that are hindering the destiny of this city. If these things are not dealt with, in my Kairos timing, there will be an exposing fire. My fire will expose, and it will purge all of those things that have not been dealt with for many years, the things that have been hidden away and even seemingly forgotten…but I have not forgotten, says the Lord, I have not forgotten the iniquities of the generations before. If these things are not dealt with, the fire that I will send will be an exposing one, but it will be a fire of My mercy. In My mercy I will purge, and it will not be total destruction for the city of Atlanta, but there will be destruction. The purging, even among those in government, those that sit in the seat of government in Atlanta, the exposing of the corruption, these are only a sign…a sign of the strongholds that have overtaken this city, the Powers that have a deep root in this city. I say to My Ekklesia, ‘Rise up! Rise up and do what is needed to purge, stand up against what you know is against Me…stand up for what you know is not of Me. Stand up against these deep rooted strongholds that have taken root in your city. For I am calling My Ekklesia in this city, and especially My leaders in this city, to rise up, to speak My words, to speak My truths, and do not hold back!’ For now is your time Atlanta, now is the time for you to step into the destiny that I have called you to be, as a Gate City, even unto this State of Georgia, but yes also unto the entire Southeast, and unto the Nation. I have called you and I have placed you here as My gate, but My gate has been blocked, My Gate City has been blocked. A stronghold has been set up inside the gate. (*I began to see: A thorny vine that has grown up inside of a large gate, right in the middle of a gate, and it has taken deep root. The vines have grown over and around the gate, and the gate has become completely entangled with this vine to the point that it is almost impassable…almost a complete blockage*). For now is the time for My Ekklesia in Atlanta to deal with the root, it is time to get down to the root, and uproot these things that have been rooted in darkness, these things that have grown out of darkness and have grown out of what is evil, and what is not of Me. If My leaders in Atlanta will stand up, and will take their place, and will use the wisdom and the discernment that I have given them, and will use the authority that I have given them, they will be able to take down, dig up and uproot, this thorny vine. BUT, if they do not stand up and do this, then I will send My Angel of fire, and this Angel will purge, and this Angel of fire will expose, the deep roots of evil that are trying to take over this city. These things must be dealt with. These spirits that have taken up residence in this city must be dealt with. The spirit of Jezebel that allows demons of jealousy, hate and violence; the spirit of Error that allows demons of perversion and twisted well as the others that are functioning with and under these principalities and powers, these rulers of darkness that have set up dominion in My city. They must be exposed, and they must be taken down! Many of these evil things done in secret have even been embraced by those who were called to be My leaders in this city…for they did not deal with their iniquities and they succumbed to the desires of the evil one. Many of My leaders have fallen prey to the pride, perversion, and error that has set up a stronghold in this city. Many have seen what was happening but have kept silent, they have even allowed it to go on in their own midst. I have something against those who have kept silent, yes even those of My leaders, who have not risen up, who have not stood in their place, who have turned a blind eye to the evil, and said ‘that is not my problem to deal with’…but I say, it is yours to deal with, for I have set you as an authority in this city, and in this State. I have set you as Gatekeepers over My Gate City, but the Gatekeepers have been asleep, the Gatekeepers have not been at their post at the gate. They have been concerned with their own things, they have been concerned with their own plans. Some of the plans you have made, yes they are of Me…but those things that I have put in your heart to build, those things I have placed in your heart to do in this city, even those plans that I have given you, they cannot be done, they cannot be built, until the things that have been hidden underneath have been dealt with. For if the foundation is not secure, how can a house be built that will stand? How can you transform a city, if you will not deal with the root? I say to you, My Ekklesia in Atlanta, this city will either be a bastion of evil, or it will be a gate for My Glory to come in, for My Glory to come in through the East Gate of the Nation. If the evil one has his way, if his plans continue unhindered, then this city will be a bastion of evil in the days to come…but that is not My desire, nor is it My plan. I have set you, My Ekklesia, in place, not to do your own will, but to do Mine; Not to take land for yourselves, but to take the land for Me. I tell you as I have told My people of old…you MUST deal with the evil that resides in the land that I have given you. You must drive them out, you must do what is necessary to drive out the evil that has taken root in your land…or it will take over. Those roots will grow deeper and they will grow longer, and those thorny vines will completely overtake your city. Look to the City of Chicago to see what you will be in the days ahead, if these things are not dealt with. I have allowed this as a sign unto you…this fiery bridge is a sign to you. Now is the time to deal with the evils that have not been dealt with for many generations. Now is the time to uproot those things that have been rooted deeply in this city. If these evils, if these fortifications, are not dealt with, My fire will come quickly, and it will purge greatly, but it will leave much destruction in it’s wake, that will cause a major disruption in the flow of this city.” 

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