Today, an unprecedented event happened in Fort Worth, Texas. Lockheed Martin rolled out the first Israeli Air Force F-35A Lightning II, known as the “Adir,” meaning “Mighty One” in Hebrew marking a major production milestone for the future of Israel’s national defense. This will be a significant addition to maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge in the Middle East region. They hope to secure 75 aircraft over time, but only are under contract for 33. The F-35 combines advanced stealth technology with fighter speed and agility, and advanced sustained air support. Pretty cool huh?
Why is this important or significant?
Amanda posted an amazing article just days ago about an immanent shift in the world scene. It is unfolding right before our eyes!
As I gazed up at the full moon we just encountered on the summer solstice, my mind began contemplating what significant parallel this event had with Israel. Prophetically, the moon can represent Israel, as the times, seasons, and prophetic unfoldings revolve around her. Israel is at the center of God's agenda of the Ages, so when the moon is at the center of a phenomenon, you can bet that something is going on relating to Israel. As Amanda stated, the last full moon / summer solstice happened in 1967, in June, and marked a monumental milestone in Israel's history...The Six Day War!

This war was won by sovereign intervention of Jehovah God, as there was no possible way that a country so small could win against the massive attack of several nations at once. Among the most productive and decisive tactics of this war was the overwhelming effect of the Israeli Air Force. Because of their readiness in the air, and their effective strike capacity, they took out nearly all fighting aircraft belonging to Egypt, and killed 100 pilots with air attack missions. Egypt had by far the largest and the most modern of all the Arab air forces, consisting of about 420 combat aircraft, but they were no match for the Israeli Air Force! This all happened in June, along with a full moon on the summer solstice.
Let me paint a picture of why all this is so prophetic.
The Hebrew month that we are in is Sivan, meaning "Season or time". Each Hebrew month highlights one of the twelve tribes of Israel. This month, Sivan, highlights the tribe of Zebulun. Zebulun was considered to have a interconnected relationship with the tribe of Issachar, its neighbor and a tribe that traditionally was seen as having many scholars. Zebulun would financially support Issachar's devotion to study and teaching of the Torah, in exchange for a share of the spiritual reward from such learning. As you know, Issachar was know for it's discerning of times, season, and legal/law interpretation. The month we just came out of is, Iyar, and that month highlighted the tribe of Issachar! Before that, the month was Nisan, which highlights the tribe of Judah! Why are these so important? These three tribes were connected to WAR. Judah goes first into battle, Issachar translates the timing and King's decree's and the tribe of Zebulun were the mighty ones! We see in 2 Samuel 11:1 and 1 Chronicles 20:1 - It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle..." notice the three months of Spring. This month, Zebulun, is the last of three months that symbolize historic and prophetic springtime war and battle. This tribe, Zebulun, were the strong ones , mighty men of valor that came to give their lives for the cause of Jehovah (Judges 4:6; 5:18), fought alongside Gideon and joined David at Hebron to transfer Saul’s kingdom to David (1 Chronicles 12:23, 33, 40). They are seen many times throughout the Old Testament as being strong in battle.
The "Season or time" that we are seeing right now is a prophetic gesture that Israel is gearing up once again, for battle! It is no coincidence that on the day after the historic solstice, nearly 50 years after the Six Day War, they receive the first F-35A Lightning II, known as the “Adir,” meaning “Mighty One”. It is no coincidence that in the month of Sivan, the timing and roll-out of one of the most advanced, powerful, and stealthy fighting machines in the world is given to Israel for once again, air superiority!
Another prophetic symbol of Israel is the Ekklesia! The church is rising and entering into an intense season of war, but I have read the back of the Book and we win! We are victorious!! Let this encourage you to get in the fight and be aware of the agenda of the ages. Surround yourself with those with a Issachar anointing, and be prepared to answer the call as the Watchmen on the wall sound the alarm.
How do we fight?
We engage in OFFENSE or DEFENSE using both shield AND sword. Offensive fighting is ordered from God to us for the purposes of possessing more land or reclaiming what was stolen. Defensive fighting is protecting or guarding what is already yours.
Who are called to fight?
All believers! All are in the army of the Lord. In Judges 5:23 God was angry at the people‘..because they did not come to help the Lord, to help the Lord fight against the mighty.’ Remember that fighting a battle is not the same as fighting a war. A battle is any hostile conflict or struggle between two opposing forces. War is a contest carried on by a collective group of armed forces, as in a series of ongoing battles until the victory. You may ask: Does God fight for us? Sometimes, He will fight the BATTLE as we see in 1 Samuel 17:47 and 2 Chronicles 20:15 - the LORD says "Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's". But the war is for us to fight, through HIS Spirit!! In HIS strength and might we will win if we use the armor He has provided us in Ephesian 6. He has given us Holy Spirit to guide and empower us, Angel Armies to aid and fight along with us, perfected weapons and defenses through His Blood and a promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us! We are more than conquerors...LETS FIGHT! NOW IS THE TIME!!