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At Kingdom Life Ministries, we are working hard to develop an understanding of what the Kingdom of God is, how it functions and how to experience it here on Earth. Simply put, a kingdom is the governing influence of a king over his territory, impacting it with his personal will, purpose, and intent, producing a culture, values, morals, and lifestyle that reflect the king's desires and nature for his citizens.

Our mandate is to train and equip God's people for rulership in the Kingdom by identifying their role and purpose, understand their sphere of authority and impact, and empower them as agents of change unto Kingdom transformation, wherever they are called and assigned.


In scripture, we see that everything God builds, starts with a family, and out of that family emerges a government. Our ministry is essentially a "house" with many "rooms", each room facilitating a unique purpose and function. This ministry model allows us to specialize and focus on various Kingdom mandates without lumping it all into one ministry entity. As each person carries a unique gifting and purpose, we create a space for these unique gifts and focus on developing people as trained ambassadors of the Kingdom.

In Ephesians 4:11, we see the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Shepherds, and Teachers are the governmental offices given by Jesus Christ Himself whereby the Ekklesia is authorized to govern and rule. 

Darin and Amanda Shiflett founded Kingdom Life Ministries to be a five-fold hub, and the couple function apostolically and prophetically with a mandate for strategic advancement of the Ekklesia in all seven areas of influence: Government, Family, Business, Education, Media, Art/Entertainment, and Religion.

At Kingdom Life, we operate according to the original design demonstrated in the New Testament and focus on the message that Jesus Christ preached - The Kingdom of God.



Office Phone: 865-294-1300
Sevierville, TN 37862

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Your seed/gift helps make it possible for Darin and Amanda to minister the gospel, bring freedom to the captives and impact the region for Christ. While your financial support is appreciated, your prayers are an essential part of the success of this ministry. We ask for Kingdom partners to join with us as we endevour to bring light to the lost, and discipleship to the body. 

If you feel that you are being led of the Spirit to sow seed into Kingdom Life Ministries, we make you this promise:
All the support we receive is put toward building the Kingdom of God and proclaiming His Word! We appreciate your willingness to partner with prayers or financial support! May you be richly blessed .



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